IQADOT Platform

For Education

Enhanced Learning

The IQADOT platform is an innovative knowledge-sharing platform that perfectly enhances education. Whether you are adopting a hybrid or full-online teaching approach, IQADOT can be a valuable addition to your teaching toolkit.

With IQADOT, students have the opportunity to engage in serious gamification while under your guidance and supervision. This unique approach encourages students to actively participate in their own learning by studying and helping each other, exchanging knowledge and finding solutions together.

  • As an educator, the IQADOT platform provides you with the tools to enhance the education process. Through feedback and peer feedback, you can easily identify areas where students may need additional support or clarification. This allows you to tailor your teaching approach to better meet the needs of your students, ultimately improving their understanding and retention of the material.
  • IQADOT also enables you to build a subject-oriented and up-to-date knowledge base for both teachers and students. By capturing and organizing important information, resources, and solutions, you can ensure that your teaching materials are always current and relevant. This not only benefits your students but also helps you stay on top of the latest advancements and best practices in your field.
  • Additionally, with IQADOT, your students have the opportunity to practice and reinforce their learning through interactive study materials. This active engagement allows them to master the acquired knowledge faster and more effectively, leading to better academic performance.
  • The IQADOT platform goes beyond student learning by encouraging collaboration amongst your staff. Teachers and material developers can create and share new knowledge and resources, fostering a culture of cooperation and innovation within your organization. This collaborative approach not only benefits your students but also enhances the professional development and growth of your staff.


In summary, the IQADOT platform offers a wide range of features and benefits tailored to the needs of the educational institutions. Through feedback, peer feedback, gamification, and collaboration, IQADOT enhances the education process, promotes knowledge-sharing, and fosters the professional growth of both students and staff.

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